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Miss Hannah Beveridge

Miss Hannah Beveridge

Recruitment and Workforce Business Partner

Awabakal. Miss Hannah Beveridge

As a Recruit­ment and Work­force Busi­ness Part­ner for NSW Health Pathol­o­gy, Han­nah man­ages the pro­vi­sion of end to end recruit­ment ser­vices to North Operations.

She pro­vides pro­fes­sion­al, expert advice and sup­port across the full range of work­force and recruit­ment activ­i­ties and works close­ly with the busi­ness to under­stand hir­ing require­ments to attract, select and retain high cal­i­bre candidates.

With a holis­tic approach, Han­nah focus­es on the entire employ­ee life cycle sup­port­ing our employ­ees through each phase of their employment.


Corporate & Support Services


Corporate & Support Services

Supports delivery of efficient, effective and transparent services. Includes legal, risk management, internal audit, policy, privacy, records management and GIPA (freedom of information) functions.

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