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Follow this procedure when collecting a water sample for total organic carbon analysis for a NSW Health project.

Sample container

  • Use a 200mL amber glass bottle with screw cap.


  • Use the yellow label supplied by the NSW Health Water Unit.
  • Using a waterproof pen record the sample details on the label.
  • Ensure the outside surface of the container is dry before attaching the label to the sample container.
  • A sample submission form is not required for approved project samples.

Collection tips

  • Rinse the container twice with the water to be collected before taking the sample.
  • Fill the bottle to the brim.

Transporting samples 

  • Pack the sam­ples into an insu­lat­ed con­tain­er with enough freez­er bricks to keep them cool (2–10oC) dur­ing transportation.
  • Attach a copy of the address label to the insu­lat­ed container.

Dis­patch to the Foren­sic & Ana­lyt­i­cal Sci­ence Ser­vice Lid­combe as soon as possible.

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