When submitting drinking water samples to us for chemical testing under NSW Health’s Drinking Water Monitoring Program, please following these instructions.
Sample Container
Two containers of water are required for each sample. Both must have water collected from the same tap or source.
One container will be acidified at the laboratory and used for the analysis of metals. The second will be used for all other analytes.
Both containers are required to enable all tests to be carried out.
Use new high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 250 mL screw capped containers that clean and free from contaminants.
For allocated chemistry samples:
- Use 2 NSW Health labels with identical barcodes provided on the same sticker for each sample – a large label and a smaller matching barcoded label separated by a perforation.
- Use a yellow label with a barcode beginning with 7.
- Select a label for the correct supply system, current year and sample type.
- Use a waterproof pen to record the site code, time and date of collection on the larger label.
- If the system is fluoridated conduct a fluoride test on a separate sample and record the fluoride field result on the label.
- Ensuring the outside of the container is dry, place the label evenly around one of the sample containers (not on the lid) so that the entire barcode can be scanned at the laboratory. Attach the smaller matching barcoded label to the second sample container.
For repeat or additional samples:
- For repeat samples use a pink label with a barcode starting with 6.
- For additional samples use a blue label with a barcode starting with 8.
- Record the site code, time and date of collection and fluoride field result on the label.
- Place the label evenly around one of the sample containers.
- On a plain label record the supply system code (2 letters followed by 2 numbers) and the sampling date and time and attach it to the second bottle.
Collection precautions
- Keep the bottles closed until the sample is to be taken.
- Remove lids only long enough to collect the sample.
Collection tips
- Flush the lines for at least 3 minutes before collecting the samples.
- Fill the container with the large label to the brim.
- Fill the second container to the bottom of the neck, leaving some headspace. Do not fill this container to the brim.

Transporting samples
- Pack samples into an insulated cooler with enough freezer bricks to keep it cool (≤6oC) during transportation.
- Attach a copy of the Forensic and Analytical Science Service (FASS) address label to the cooler.
- Send/deliver the samples to FASS as soon as possible.
- If sending chemistry and microbiology samples in the same cooler, send/deliver to the NSWHP Westmead – Microbiology Laboratory.