More than 70 junior med­ical offi­cers (JMOs) and med­ical stu­dents attend­ed our Anatom­i­cal Pathol­o­gy Meet and Greet at West­mead on 23 June 2023.

The annu­al Meet and greet is our flag­ship recruit­ment event for those con­sid­er­ing an AP career. It’s also a chance for cur­rent AP trainees to learn more about the range of AP facil­i­ties they can work in.

Atten­dees heard from Chief Pathol­o­gist Dr Michael Whiley, RCPA Edu­ca­tion Offi­cer Kathy Robin­son and speak­ers from 20 train­ing facil­i­ties about what to expect, includ­ing two new trainee posi­tions that will be offered for the first time at our brand new AP lab at Coffs Har­bour, with accom­mo­da­tion included.

Missed out? Don’t wor­ry, you can watch our record­ings of the event here.