Telling the story of our statewide pathology and forensic service through the kinship model of Aboriginal communities
This beautiful Aboriginal artwork was commissioned to show NSW Health Pathology’s commitment to closing the health and justice gaps for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
We hope it will help our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people feel more culturally safe and welcome when we are providing them care.
The artwork uses the kinship model of Aboriginal communities to tell the story of our statewide pathology and forensic service, and the importance of having strong cultural connections with the communities we serve.
The piece was created by Aboriginal artist, Elsie Randall, a proud Yagel/Bundjalung woman from Maclean and Yamba on the NSW Far North Coast.
Elsie explains that the centre circle of the artwork expresses Aboriginal Lore – the cultural values, beliefs, rules and protocols that exist at the heart of all Aboriginal communities.
Working from the core outwards, the pink circles show the babies and children of Aboriginal communities. Blue and purple circles surrounding this are adolescent children who traditionally help raise the babies. Pink circles around these symbolise the mums and dads who mentor the adolescents in this nurturing role.
Purple and blue circles outside these pay homage to Aboriginal Elders who support the mums and dads.
Strong Aboriginal men who protect and hold the master skills, and who provide education in hunting and survival to adolescent men, are represented by the outer circles.
Different totems recognise various Aboriginal communities across NSW.
Beside these totems are circles and symbols representing the DNA, blood and bones we share, and NSW Health Pathology’s vital work to help create better health and justice systems for all of us.